Author: Oriol Zertuche

Oriol Zertuche is the CEO of CODESM and Cody AI. As an engineering student from the University of Texas-Pan American, Oriol leveraged his expertise in technology and web development to establish renowned marketing firm CODESM. He later developed Cody AI, a smart AI assistant trained to support businesses and their team members. Oriol believes in delivering practical business solutions through innovative technology.

SearchGPT Release: Key Features and Access Information

SearchGPT Announced

OpenAI has unveiled a groundbreaking prototype called SearchGPT, an AI-powered search engine developed to transform how users access information online. By leveraging advanced conversational models integrated with real-time web data, SearchGPT aims to deliver fast, precise, and timely responses to user queries. Unlike traditional search engines that present a list of links, SearchGPT offers comprehensive summaries accompanied by clear attributions, ensuring users get accurate and relevant information promptly. This innovative approach is designed to streamline the search experience, making it more effective and interactive for users.

Key Features and Objectives

SearchGPT is designed to transform the traditional search experience into a more streamlined and conversational interaction. Unlike conventional search engines that display a list of links, SearchGPT provides concise summaries accompanied by attribution links. This approach allows users to quickly grasp the essence of their query while having the option to explore further details on the original websites.

The platform also includes an interactive feature where users can ask follow-up questions, thus enriching the conversational aspect of the search process. Additionally, a sidebar presents additional relevant links, further enhancing the user’s ability to find comprehensive information.

One of the standout features is the introduction of ‘visual answers,’ which showcase AI-generated videos to provide users with a more engaging and informative search experience.



Collaboration with Publishers

SearchGPT has prioritized creating strong partnerships with news organizations to ensure the quality and reliability of the information it provides. By collaborating with reputable publishers like The Atlantic, News Corp, and The Associated Press, OpenAI ensures that users receive accurate and trustworthy search results.

These partnerships also grant publishers more control over how their content is displayed in search results. Publishers can decide to opt out of having their material used for training OpenAI’s AI models while still being prominently featured in search outcomes. This approach aims to protect the integrity and provenance of original content, making it a win-win for both users and content creators.


Differentiation from Competitors

SearchGPT sets itself apart from competitors like Google by addressing significant issues inherent in AI-integrated search engines. Google’s approach often faces criticism for inaccuracies and reducing traffic to original content sources by providing direct answers within search results. In contrast, SearchGPT ensures clear attribution and encourages users to visit publisher sites for detailed information. This strategy not only enhances the user experience with accurate and credible data but also aims to maintain a healthy ecosystem for publishers through responsible content sharing.


User Feedback and Future Integration

The current release of SearchGPT is a prototype, available to a select group of users and publishers. This limited rollout is designed to gather valuable feedback and insights, which will help refine and enhance the service. OpenAI plans to eventually integrate the most successful features of SearchGPT into ChatGPT, thereby making the AI even more connected with real-time web information.

Users who are interested in testing the prototype have the opportunity to join a waitlist, while publishers are encouraged to provide feedback on their experiences. This feedback will be crucial in shaping the future iterations of SearchGPT, ensuring it meets user needs and maintains high standards of accuracy and reliability.


Challenges and Considerations

As SearchGPT enters its prototype phase, it faces various challenges. One crucial aspect is ensuring the accuracy of information and proper attribution to sources. Learning from the pitfalls that Google faced, SearchGPT must avoid errors that could lead to misinformation or misattribution, which could undermine user trust and damage relationships with publishers .

Another significant challenge lies in monetization. Currently, SearchGPT is free and operates without ads during its initial launch phase. This ad-free approach presents a hurdle for developing a sustainable business model capable of supporting the extensive costs associated with AI training and inference. Addressing these financial demands will be essential for the long-term viability of the service .

In summary, for SearchGPT to succeed, OpenAI must navigate these technical and economic challenges, ensuring the platform’s accuracy and developing a feasible monetization strategy.



SearchGPT marks a significant advancement in the realm of AI-powered search technology. By prioritizing quality, reliability, and collaboration with publishers, OpenAI aims to deliver a more efficient and trustworthy search experience. The integration of conversational models with real-time web information sets SearchGPT apart from traditional search engines and rivals like Google.

Feedback from users and publishers will be crucial in shaping the future evolution of this innovative tool. As the prototype phase progresses, OpenAI plans to refine SearchGPT, ensuring it meets the needs and expectations of its users. This ongoing collaboration and iterative improvement process will help achieve a balanced ecosystem that benefits both content creators and users .

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GPT-4o Mini: Everything You Need to Know

Introduction to GPT-4o Mini

On July 18, 2024, OpenAI unveiled the GPT4o Mini, a compact and cost-efficient iteration of its robust GPT-4o model. This new AI model is designed to deliver enhanced speed and affordability, targeting developers and consumers alike who require efficient and economical AI solutions. The GPT4o Mini aims to democratize access to advanced AI technology by making it more accessible and affordable for a broader range of applications such as customer service chatbots and real-time text responses.

Available through OpenAI’s GPT4o Mini API, the GPT4o Mini is also integrated into the ChatGPT web and mobile app, with enterprise access set to commence the following week. Key features of the model include support for text and vision inputs and outputs, a context window of 128,000 tokens, and a knowledge cutoff in October 2023. This versatile AI model is poised to replace GPT-3.5 Turbo, positioning itself as the preferred choice for high-volume, straightforward AI-driven tasks.


Performance and Benchmark Achievements

The GPT4o Mini demonstrates exceptional performance in reasoning tasks involving both text and vision. This compact model has been meticulously designed to surpass the capabilities of existing small AI models. For instance, when compared to Gemini 1.5 Flash and Claude 3 Haiku, which scored 79% and 75% respectively, GPT4o Mini achieved an impressive 82% on the Massive Multitask Language Understanding (MMLU) benchmarks.

Beyond text and vision tasks, GPT4o Mini also excels in mathematical reasoning. It scored a remarkable 87% on the MGSM benchmark, further establishing its superiority in the realm of small AI models. These achievements underscore the model’s robustness and its potential to set new standards in AI-driven applications.


GPT-4o Mini Cost Efficiency and Pricing

One of the most compelling features of GPT4o Mini is its cost efficiency. Priced at 15 cents per million input tokens and 60 cents per million output tokens, it is more than 60% cheaper than its predecessor, GPT-3.5 Turbo. This significant reduction in cost makes it an attractive choice for developers and enterprises aiming to optimize their expenditures on AI solutions.

The affordability of GPT4o Mini can profoundly impact various AI applications. From customer support chatbots to real-time text responses, a reduced cost barrier enables broader implementation in both existing and new projects. This allows smaller businesses and startups to leverage advanced AI technologies that were previously cost-prohibitive, democratizing access to cutting-edge AI.

Potential use cases greatly benefiting from these lower costs include automated customer service, dynamic content generation, and real-time data analysis. By making advanced AI more accessible, OpenAI is paving the way for a future where AI is a seamless part of various applications and digital experiences.


Technical Specifications and Capabilities

GPT4o Mini supports a wide range of inputs and outputs, including text and vision. This versatility allows developers to create diverse applications that can handle multiple types of data. Furthermore, OpenAI plans to expand these capabilities to include video and audio inputs and outputs in future updates, enhancing the model’s usability in multimedia contexts.

Another key feature of GPT4o Mini is its extensive context window, which supports up to 128,000 tokens. This enables the model to manage large datasets efficiently, making it ideal for applications requiring comprehensive data analysis. Additionally, the model’s knowledge cutoff is set to October 2023, ensuring that it operates with a relatively recent understanding of the world. These technical specifications make GPT4o Mini a robust tool for advanced AI applications.


Safety and Security Measures

OpenAI has introduced robust safety and security measures in GPT4o Mini, ensuring enhanced protection and reliability. A key feature is the implementation of the “instruction hierarchy” technique, which significantly strengthens the model’s resistance against prompt injection attacks and jailbreak attempts. This innovative approach ensures that the AI adheres strictly to the intended instructions, minimizing the risk of misuse.

OpenAI’s commitment to reliability and security extends beyond just theoretical improvements. The company has incorporated new safety protocols designed to continually monitor and update the model’s defenses against emerging threats. These efforts underscore OpenAI’s dedication to maintaining high standards of security across its AI platforms, providing users with a dependable and trustworthy AI experience.

Ready to revolutionize your business operations with a customized AI assistant? Discover how Cody AI transforms traditional AI into a powerful business companion tailored to your unique needs. Learn everything you need to know about our latest offering, the GPt4o Mini, and see how it can boost your team’s efficiency and creativity. Explore Cody AI today and let your business thrive!

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RAG for Private Clouds: How Does it Work?

rag for private clouds

Ever wondered how private clouds manage all their information and make smart decisions?

That’s where Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) steps in. 

It’s a super-smart tool that helps private clouds find the right info and generate useful stuff from it. 

This blog is all about how RAG works its magic in private clouds, using easy tools and clever tricks to make everything smoother and better.

Dive in.

Understanding RAG: What is it? 

Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) is a cutting-edge technology used in natural language processing (NLP) and information retrieval systems. 

It combines two fundamental processes: retrieval and generation.

  1. Retrieval: In RAG, the retrieval process involves fetching relevant data from various external sources such as document repositories, databases, or APIs. This external data can be diverse, encompassing information from different sources and formats.

  2. Generation: Once the relevant data is retrieved, the generation process involves creating or generating new content, insights, or responses based on the retrieved information. This generated content complements the existing data and aids in decision-making or providing accurate responses.

How does RAG work? 

Now, let’s understand how RAG works.

Data preparation

The initial step involves converting both the documents stored in a collection and the user queries into a comparable format. This step is crucial for performing similarity searches.

Numerical representation (Embeddings)

To make documents and user queries comparable for similarity searches, they are converted into numerical representations called embeddings. 

These embeddings are created using sophisticated embedding language models and essentially serve as numerical vectors representing the concepts in the text.

Vector database

The document embeddings, which are numerical representations of the text, can be stored in vector databases like Chroma or Weaviate. These databases enable efficient storage and retrieval of embeddings for similarity searches.

Similarity search

Based on the embedding generated from the user query, a similarity search is conducted in the embedding space. This search aims to identify similar text or documents from the collection based on the numerical similarity of their embeddings.

Context addition

After identifying similar text, the retrieved content (prompt + entered text) is added to the context. This augmented context, comprising both the original prompt and the relevant external data, is then fed into a Language Model (LLM).

Model output

The Language Model processes the context with relevant external data, enabling it to generate more accurate and contextually relevant outputs or responses.

Read More: What is RAG API Framework and How Does it Work?

5 Steps to Implement RAG for Private Cloud Environments

Below is a comprehensive guide on implementing RAG in private clouds:

1. Infrastructure readiness assessment

Begin by evaluating the existing private cloud infrastructure. Assess the hardware, software, and network capabilities to ensure compatibility with RAG implementation. Identify any potential constraints or requirements for seamless integration.

2. Data collection and preparation

Gather relevant data from diverse sources within your private cloud environment. This can include document repositories, databases, APIs, and other internal data sources.

Ensure that the collected data is organized, cleaned, and prepared for further processing. The data should be in a format that can be easily fed into the RAG system for retrieval and generation processes.

3. Selection of suitable embedding language models

Choose appropriate embedding language models that align with the requirements and scale of your private cloud environment. Models like BERT, GPT, or other advanced language models can be considered based on their compatibility and performance metrics.

4. Integration of embedding systems

Implement systems or frameworks capable of converting documents and user queries into numerical representations (embeddings). Ensure these embeddings accurately capture the semantic meaning and context of the text data.

Set up vector databases (e.g., Chroma, Weaviate) to store and manage these embeddings efficiently, enabling quick retrieval and similarity searches.

5. Testing and optimization

Conduct rigorous testing to validate the functionality, accuracy, and efficiency of the implemented RAG system within the private cloud environment. Test different scenarios to identify potential limitations or areas for improvement.

Optimize the system based on test results and feedback, refining algorithms, tuning parameters, or upgrading hardware/software components as needed for better performance.

6 Tools for RAG Implementation in Private Clouds

Here’s an overview of tools and frameworks essential for implementing Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) within private cloud environments:

1. Embedding language models

  • BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers): BERT is a powerful pre-trained language model designed to understand the context of words in search queries. It can be fine-tuned for specific retrieval tasks within private cloud environments.
  • GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer): GPT models excel in generating human-like text based on given prompts. They can be instrumental in generating responses or content in RAG systems.

2. Vector databases

  • Chroma: Chroma is a vector search engine optimized for handling high-dimensional data like embeddings. It efficiently stores and retrieves embeddings, facilitating quick similarity searches.
  • Weaviate: Weaviate is an open-source vector search engine suitable for managing and querying vectorized data. It offers flexibility and scalability, ideal for RAG implementations dealing with large datasets.

3. Frameworks for embedding generation

  • TensorFlow: TensorFlow provides tools and resources for creating and managing machine learning models. It offers libraries for generating embeddings and integrating them into RAG systems.
  • PyTorch: PyTorch is another popular deep-learning framework known for its flexibility and ease of use. It supports the creation of embedding models and their integration into RAG workflows.

4. RAG integration platforms

  • Hugging face transformers: This library offers a wide range of pre-trained models, including BERT and GPT, facilitating their integration into RAG systems. It provides tools for handling embeddings and language model interactions.
  • OpenAI’s GPT3 API: OpenAI’s API provides access to GPT-3, enabling developers to utilize its powerful language generation capabilities. Integrating GPT-3 into RAG systems can enhance content generation and response accuracy.

5. Cloud Services

  • AWS (Amazon Web Services) or Azure: Cloud service providers offer the infrastructure and services necessary for hosting and scaling RAG implementations. They provide resources like virtual machines, storage, and computing power tailored for machine learning applications.
  • Google Cloud Platform (GCP): GCP offers a suite of tools and services for machine learning and AI, allowing for the deployment and management of RAG systems in private cloud environments.

6. Custom development tools

  • Python libraries: These libraries offer essential functionalities for data manipulation, numerical computations, and machine learning model development, crucial for implementing custom RAG solutions.
  • Custom APIs and Scripts: Depending on specific requirements, developing custom APIs and scripts may be necessary to fine-tune and integrate RAG components within the private cloud infrastructure.

These resources play a pivotal role in facilitating embedding generation, model integration, and efficient management of RAG systems within private cloud setups.

Now that you know the basics of RAG for private clouds, it’s time to implement it using the effective tools mentioned above. 

Top 8 Text Embedding Models in 2024

text embedding models

What would be your answer if we asked about the relationship between these two lines?

First: What is text embedding?

Second: [-0.03156438, 0.0013196499, -0.0171-56885, -0.0008197554, 0.011872382, 0.0036221128, -0.0229156626, -0.005692569, … (1600 more items to be included here]

Most people wouldn’t know the connection between them. The first line asks about the meaning of “embedding” in plain English, but the second line, with all those numbers, doesn’t make sense to us humans.

In fact, the second line is the representation (embedding) of the first line. It was created by OpenAI GPT -3’s text-embedding-ada-002 model. 

This process turns the question into a series of numbers that the computer uses to understand the meaning behind the words.

If you were also scratching your head to decode their relationship, this article is for you.

We have covered the basics of text embedding and its top 8 models, which is worth knowing about!
Let’s get reading.

What are text embedding models?

Have you ever wondered how AI models and computer applications understand what we try to say?

That’s right, they don’t understand what we say.

In fact, they “embed” our instructions to perform effectively.

Still confused? Okay, let’s simplify.

In machine learning and artificial intelligence, this is a technique that simplifies complex and multi-dimensional data like text, pictures or other sorts of representations into lesser dimensionality space.

Embedding aims at making information easier to be processed by computers, for example when using algorithms or conducting computations on it.

Therefore, it serves as a mediating language for machines.

However, text embedding is concerned with taking textual data — such as words, sentences, or documents – and transforming them into vectors represented in a low-dimensional vector space.

The numerical form is meant to convey the text’s semantic relations, context, and sense.

The text encoding models are developed to provide the similarities of words or short pieces of writing preserved in encoding.

As a result, words that denote the same meanings and those that are situated in similar linguistic contexts would have a close vector in this multi-dimensional space.

Text embedding aims to make machine comprehension closer to natural language understanding in order to improve the effectiveness of processing text data.

Since we already know what text embedding stands for, let us consider the difference between word embedding and this approach.

Word embedding VS text embedding: What’s the difference?

Both word embeddings and text embeddings belong to various types of embedding models. Here are the key differences-

  • Word embedding is concerned with the representation of words as fixed dimensional vectors in a specific text. However, text embedding involves the conversion of whole text paragraphs, sentences, or documents into numerical vectors.
  • Word embeddings are useful in word-level-oriented tasks like natural language comprehension, sentiment analysis, and computing word similarities. At the same time, text embeddings are better suited to tasks such as document summarisation, information retrieval, and document classification, which require comprehension and analysis of bigger chunks of text.
  • Typically, word embedding relies on the local context surrounding particular words. But, since text embedding considers an entire text as a context, it is broader than word embedding. It aspires to grasp the complete semantics of the whole textual information so that algorithms can know the total sense structure and the interconnections among the sentences or the documents.

Top 8 text embedding models you need to know

In terms of text embedding models, there are a number of innovative techniques that have revolutionized how computers comprehend and manage textual information.

Here are eight influential text embedding models that have made a significant impact on natural language processing (NLP) and AI-driven applications:

1. Word2Vec

This pioneering model, known as Word2Vec, produces word embeddings, which are basically representations of the surrounding context words mapped onto fixed dimensional vectors.

It reveals similarities between words and shows semantic relations that allow algorithms to understand word meanings depending upon the environments in which they are used.

2. GloVE (global vectors for word representation)

Rather than just concentrating on statistically important relationships between words within a specific context, GloVe generates meaningful word representations that reflect the relationships between words across the entire corpus.

3. FastText

Designed by Facebook AI Research, FastText represents words as bags of character n-grams, thus using subword information. It helps it accommodate OOVs effectively and highlights similarities in the morphology of different words.

4. ELMO (Embeddings from Language Models)

To provide context for word embeddings, ELMO relies on the internal states of a deep bidirectional language model.

These are word embeddings that capture the overall sentential contexts, thus more meaningful.

5. BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers)

BERT is a transformer-based model designed to understand the context of words bidirectionally. 

It can interpret the meaning of a word based on its context from both preceding and following words, allowing for more accurate language understanding.

6. GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer)

GPT models are masters of language generation. These models predict the next word in a sequence, generating coherent text by learning from vast amounts of text data during pre-training.

7. Doc2Vec

Doc2Vec, an extension of Word2Vec, is capable of embedding entire documents or paragraphs into fixed-size vectors. This model assigns unique representations to documents, enabling similarity comparisons between texts.

8. USE (Universal Sentence Encoder)

The embeddings for the whole sentences or paragraphs are done by a tool by Google known as USE. It efficiently encodes different text lengths into fixed-size vectors, taking into account their semantic meaning and allowing for simpler comparisons of sentences.

Frequently asked questions:

1. What’s the value of embedding text in a SaaS platform or company?

Improved text embedding models expand SaaS platforms by facilitating comprehension of user-generated data. They provide smart search capacities, personalized user experience with suggestions, and advanced sentiment analysis, which drives higher levels of user engagement, thereby retaining existing users.

2. What are the key considerations for deploying a text embedding model?

When implementing text embedding models, key considerations include-

  • Compatibility of the model with the objectives of the application
  • Scalability for large datasets
  • Interpretability of generated embeddings and
  • Resources necessary for effective integration of computational.

3. What unique features of text embedding models can be used to enhance SaaS solutions?

Yes, indeed, text embedding models greatly enhance SaaS solutions, especially in client reviews review, article reordering algorithms, context comprehension for bots, and speedy data retrieval, in general, raising end users’ experiences and profitability.

Read This: Top 10 Custom ChatGPT Alternatives for 2024

Top 10 Custom ChatGPT Alternatives for 2024

custom chatgpt alternatives for 2024 top 10

Tired of hundreds of suggestions talking about custom ChatGPT alternatives? Here’s an exclusive list of the top alternatives to ChatGPT with their own superpowers. 

But first…

What is an AI chatbot?

An AI chatbot is a computer program designed to stimulate human conversations through text or voice interactions. Such AI chatbots use machine learning and natural language processing to understand and respond to user queries. These AI bots serve across platforms like websites and messaging apps, assisting users, providing information, and executing tasks. They continuously enhance their conversational abilities by analyzing user input and patterns using Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology.

Here’s the list you’re looking for:

Top 10 Custom ChatGPT Alternatives

Now, it’s time to reveal some ChatGPT alternatives:

1. is an AI chatbot that stands out for its user-friendly interface and robust features. It’s designed to assist businesses in enhancing customer engagement and streamlining workflows.


  • Natural Language Processing (NLP): employs advanced NLP to understand and respond to user queries naturally.
  • Customization: Allows businesses to tailor conversations to their specific needs and branding.
  • Integration: It seamlessly integrates with various platforms and tools, ensuring easy deployment and interaction across channels.
  • Analytics and insights: Provides detailed analytics and insights, enabling businesses to track performance metrics.

Read More Here


This chatbot operates on a subscription-based pricing model tailored to the needs of businesses. 

The pricing structure includes three plans, offering different features and levels of support based on the chosen subscription.

2. Meya 

Meya is an AI chatbot platform known for its versatility and developer-friendly environment, empowering businesses to build and deploy sophisticated conversational AI solutions.

chatgpt alternatives custom


  • Bot builder interface: Meya offers an intuitive bot-building interface equipped with drag-and-drop functionalities, making it accessible for developers and non-developers alike to create bots efficiently.
  • Integration capabilities: It seamlessly integrates with various platforms, APIs, and tools, allowing for smooth interactions across different channels.
  • Natural Language Understanding (NLU): Meya utilizes advanced NLU capabilities, enabling bots to understand user intents accurately and respond contextually.
  • Customization options: It provides extensive customization capabilities, enabling businesses to personalize conversations, add branding elements, and tailor the chatbot’s behavior according to specific requirements.

It is a compelling choice for businesses seeking to create and deploy sophisticated AI chatbots across diverse channels.

3. is a versatile AI chatbot platform designed to streamline customer interactions and automate business processes with its user-friendly interface and powerful functionalities.

chatgpt alternatives custom

The platform offers an intuitive drag-and-drop interface, making it accessible for users with varying technical expertise to create and deploy chatbots effortlessly. allows seamless integration across various channels, such as websites, messaging apps, and social media platforms, for wider reach and accessibility.

The specific pricing details for can vary based on factors such as the chosen plan’s features, the scale of deployment, customization requirements, and additional services desired by businesses. 

4. specializes in AI-driven copywriting, assisting users in generating various types of content like headlines, descriptions, and more.

It offers templates for various content types, streamlining the creation process for users.’s pricing structure may include different plans with varying features and usage capacities. 

Using this chatbot is quite simple. 

For example, if you want to write an SEO article, once you open the tool, input your target keyword and description of your company/website and build out your landing page structure.

5. Dante

Dante offers a conversational interface, fostering natural and engaging interactions between users and the AI chatbot.

chatgpt alternatives custom 

It excels in providing personalized experiences by allowing businesses to customize conversations and adapt the bot’s behavior to suit specific needs. 

Its seamless integration capabilities across multiple platforms ensure a broader reach and accessibility for users. 

6. Botsonic

Botsonic stands out for its advanced AI capabilities, enabling an accurate understanding of user intents and the delivery of contextually relevant responses. 

chatgpt alternatives custom

It emphasizes scalability, ensuring seamless performance even with increasing demands. 

The platform also provides comprehensive analytics tools for tracking performance metrics, user behavior, and conversation data. 

Botsonic’s pricing structure depends on the selected plan, usage, and desired features. 

7. My AskAI

My AskAI boasts a user-friendly interface that caters to both technical and non-technical users, simplifying the process of building and deploying chatbots. 

chatgpt alternatives custom

It offers customizable templates, making it easier for businesses to create chatbots tailored to specific industry or business needs. 

Supporting multiple languages, My AskAI ensures inclusivity and wider accessibility. 

Pricing models for My AskAI typically encompass different plans tailored to various business requirements.

8. Bard

Bard leverages powerful natural language processing (NLP) for meaningful and contextually accurate conversations. 

Its integration flexibility allows for seamless deployment and interaction across various platforms. 

The platform provides robust analytical tools to track performance metrics and gain insights into user interactions and bot efficiency. 

9. Chatbase

Chatbase specializes in advanced analytics, providing deep insights into user interactions and conversation data. It offers tools for optimizing bot performance based on user feedback and engagement metrics. 

chatgpt alternatives custom

The platform seamlessly integrates with various channels, ensuring broader accessibility and enhanced user engagement. Chatbase’s pricing structure is based on features, usage, and support levels. 

Detailed pricing information can be obtained by visiting Chatbase’s official website or contacting their sales team.

10. Spinbot

Spinbot excels in text rewriting capabilities, assisting users in paraphrasing content or generating unique text variations. 

chatgpt alternatives custom

With its user-friendly interface, users can quickly generate rewritten text for various purposes. Spinbot’s pricing may vary based on usage and specific features. 

Remember, in this dynamic industry, the choice of a custom ChatGPT alternative depends on your specific objectives, scalability needs, integration requirements, and budget considerations of each business. 


1. What is the difference between conversational AI and chatbots?

Conversational AI is like the brain behind the chatter, the wizard making chatbots smart. It’s the tech that powers how chatbots understand, learn, and respond to you. 

Think of it as the engine running behind the scenes, making the conversation feel more human.

Chatbots, on the other hand, are the talking pals you interact with. 

They’re the friendly faces of AI, designed for specific tasks or to chat with you. They’re like the messengers delivering the AI’s smarts to you in a fun and engaging way.

2. Can you make your own chatbot?

Absolutely! Making your own chatbot is more doable than you might think. 

With today’s innovative tools and platforms available, you can create a chatbot tailored to your needs, whether it’s for your business or just for fun. 

You don’t need to be a tech wizard either—many platforms offer user-friendly interfaces and templates to help you get started. 

Just dive in, explore, and show your creativity to craft a chatbot that fits your style and purpose. Cody AI is a fantastic way to add your personal touch to the world of conversational AI!

GPT 4 Turbo vs Claude 2.1: A Definitive Guide and Comparison

gpt 4 vs claude 2.1

Today, when we think of artificial intelligence, two main chatbots come to our mind- GPT 4 Turbo by OpenAI and Claude 2.1 by Anthropic. But who wins the GPT 4 Turbo vs Claude 2.1 battle?

Let’s say you’re selecting a superhero for your team. GPT 4 Turbo would be the one who’s really creative and can do lots of different tricks, while Claude 2.1 would be the one who’s a master at dealing with huge amounts of information.

Now, we’ll quickly understand the differences between these two AI models.

Read on.

GPT 4 Turbo vs Claude 2.1 — 10 Key Comparisons 

Here are 10 criteria to decide between GPT 4 Turbo vs Claude 2.1:

Pricing models

The pricing models and accessibility to GPT-4 Turbo and Claude 2.1 vary significantly. 

While one platform might offer flexible pricing plans suitable for smaller businesses, another might cater to larger enterprises, impacting user choices based on budget and scalability.

Quick tip: Please select any model depending on your needs and budget.

User interface

GPT-4 Turbo offers a more user-friendly interface, making it easier for users who prefer a straightforward experience. 

On the other hand, Claude 2.1’s interface could be designed for experts needing tools tailored specifically for in-depth textual analysis or document summarization.

Complexity handling 

When presented with a lengthy legal document filled with technical jargon and intricate details, Claude 2.1 might maintain better coherence and understanding due to its larger context window. At the same time, GPT-4 Turbo might struggle with such complexity.

Generally, lengthy documents with details are better for Claude, as GPT focuses more on the creative side. 

Adaptability and learning patterns

GPT-4 Turbo showcases versatility by adapting to various tasks and learning patterns. 

For instance, it can generate diverse outputs—ranging from technical descriptions to poetic verses—based on the given input. 

Claude 2.1, on the other hand, may predominantly excel in language-centric tasks, sticking closer to textual patterns.

Content window size

Imagine a book with a vast number of pages. 

Claude 2.1 can “read” and understand a larger portion of this book at once compared to GPT-4 Turbo. 

This allows Claude 2.1 to comprehend complex documents or discussions spread across more content.

gpt 4 claude 2.1 comparison

Knowledge cutoff date

GPT-4 Turbo might better understand current events, such as recent technological advancements or the latest news, due to its knowledge reaching up until April 2023. In contrast, Claude 2.1 might lack context on these if it occurred after its knowledge cutoff in early 2023.

Language type

GPT-4 Turbo can assist in coding tasks by understanding programming languages and providing code suggestions. 

On the flip side, Claude 2.1 is adept at crafting compelling marketing copy or generating natural-sounding conversations.

Real-time interactions

In a live chat scenario, GPT-4 Turbo generates quick, varied responses suitable for engaging users in a conversation. 

On the other hand, Claude 2.1 might prioritize accuracy and context retention, providing more structured and accurate information.

Ethical considerations

GPT-4 Turbo and Claude 2.1 differ in their approaches to handling biases in generated content. 

While both models undergo bias mitigation efforts, the strategies employed vary, impacting the fairness and neutrality of their outputs.

Training time

GPT-4 Turbo requires longer training times and more extensive fine-tuning for specific tasks due to its broader scope of functionalities. 

Claude 2.1, on the other hand, has a more focused training process with faster adaptability to certain text-based tasks.

Best GPT-4 Turbo Use Cases

Here are the best ways to use GPT-4 Turbo:

Coding assistance

GPT-4 Turbo shines in coding tasks and assisting developers. 

It’s an excellent fit for platforms like Github Copilot, offering coding suggestions and assistance at a more affordable price point compared to other similar tools.

Visualization and graph generation

Paired with the Assistants API, GPT-4 Turbo enables the writing and execution of Python code, facilitating graph generation and diverse visualizations.

Data analysis and preparation

Through features like Code Interpreter available in the Assistants API, GPT-4 Turbo helps in data preparation tasks such as cleaning datasets, merging columns, and even quickly generating machine learning models. 

While specialized tools like Akkio excel in this field, GPT-4 Turbo remains a valuable option for developers.

Best Claude 2.1 Use Cases

Here are the best ways to use Claude 2.1:

Legal document analysis

Claude 2.1’s larger context window makes it ideal for handling extensive legal documents, enabling swift analysis and providing contextual information with higher accuracy compared to other Language Model Models (LLMs).

Quality long-form content generation

With an emphasis on input size, Claude 2.1 proves superior in generating high-quality long-form content and human-sounding language outputs by leveraging a broader dataset.

Book summaries and reviews

If you require summarizing or engaging with books, Claude 2.1’s extensive context capabilities can significantly aid in this task, providing comprehensive insights and discussions.

GPT 4 Turbo vs Claude 2.1 in a Nutshell 

  • GPT-4 Turbo has multimodal capabilities to handle text, images, audio, and videos. Good for creative jobs.
  • Claude 2.1 has a larger context window focused on text. Great for long documents.
  • GPT-4 Turbo deals with different things, while Claude 2.1 is all about text.
  • Claude 2.1 understands bigger chunks of text—200k tokens compared to GPT-4 Turbo’s 128k tokens.
  • GPT-4 Turbo’s knowledge goes until April 2023, better for recent events. Claude 2.1 stops in early 2023.

So, GPT-4 Turbo handles various stuff, while Claude 2.1 is a text specialist. 

Remember, choosing the right model depends massively on your needs and budget. 

Read More: OpenAI GPT-3.5 Turbo & GPT 4 Fine Tuning