From Our Blog

Discover the power of Business AI through our engaging AI blog, where we unveil the latest advancements, innovations, and strategies for leveraging artificial intelligence to revolutionize your business operations and stay ahead in the competitive market.

OpenAI DevDay Announcements [Live Stream]

OpenAI DevDay Announcements [Live Stream]

OpenAI DevDay, a one-day developer conference scheduled for November 6, 2023, in San Francisco, is a game-changer for developers, tech fans, and AI lovers. It’s like a lively meeting where developers from everywhere can come together, learn, an...

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How to Set Up an AI Knowledge Base in 2024?

How to Set Up an AI Knowledge Base in 2024?

In an evolving customer service arena, where 78% of industry leaders are channeling increased investments into self-service solutions such as self-help portals and AI-powered chatbot assistant capabilities, the importance of integrating an AI knowled...

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7 Most Popular HR AI Tools in 2023 [SaaS Version]

7 Most Popular HR AI Tools in 2023 [SaaS Version]

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly changing the human resource field. With over 73% of companies planning to invest in AI for business recruitment automation and over 85% of HR professionals foreseeing AI’s role in the recruitment process,...

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AI for Real Estate in 2023: Benefits, Use Cases, and Examples

AI for Real Estate in 2023: Benefits, Use Cases, and Examples

The real estate industry is no stranger to the Artificial Intelligence (AI) revolution. In fact, the market for AI for real estate is expected to reach $1335.89 billion by 2029, with a huge compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 35%.  Offering a bunc...

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Top 10 AI Tools for SEO in 2023 [With Latest Features]

Top 10 AI Tools for SEO in 2023 [With Latest Features]

Before 2023, only 10% of marketers used AI tools for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) content generation. But this year, 58% have planned to invest in AI for business content and SEO strategies. And that’s a significant leap! If you’re al...

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Top 11 AI Tools for Marketing in 2023: The Ultimate Marketer's Stack

Top 11 AI Tools for Marketing in 2023: The Ultimate Marketer's Stack

Experts project that AI in business marketing will skyrocket to over $107.5 billion by 2028. In fact, the market is already brimming with cutting-edge AI tools for marketing. Before exploring the advanced AI tools for business and marketing, let̵...

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