Top 5 Free Open Source LLMs in 2024

LLMs are ubiquitous nowadays, needing no introduction. Whether you’re in tech or not, chances are you’ve encountered or are currently using some form of LLM on a daily basis. The most prominent LLMs at present include GPT from OpenAI, Claude from Anthropic, and Gemini from Google.

However, these popular LLMs often operate as abstract or black-box systems, raising concerns about data privacy and transparency. To address such issues, several open-source LLMs are available, allowing users to deploy them on private machines or servers with peace of mind.

Open source refers to software or products distributed with their source code freely available for inspection, modification, and distribution. This accessibility empowers users to understand, enhance, and contribute to the development of the software.

Here are some of the best open source LLMs currently available:

Llama 2

LLaMA 2: Meta's Open Source AI Model

Llama 2 is an open-source LLM developed by Meta, offered free for commercial and research purposes. Llama 2 models are trained on two trillion tokens and boast double the context length of Llama 1.

The model’s parameters directly impact its ability to comprehend text, with larger models offering better performance at the cost of increased size and resource requirements.

Variants Available: 7B, 13B, and 70B parameters

Context Window: 4096 Tokens

Languages Supported: Performs best in English

Mixtral 8x7B

Mistral AI unveils Mixtral 8x7B, an open-source LLM that it claims is on  par with GPT 3.5

Mixtral 8x7B, developed by Mistral AI, is an LLM containing 46.7B total parameters. Despite its size, it maintains inference speed and cost similar to models one-third its size. This decoder-only Transformer Mixture of Experts (MoE) model significantly outperforms LLama 2 and GPT-3.5 in certain benchmarks.

Variants Available: Tiny, Small, Medium, and Large (Ranked from cost-efficient to high performance)

Context Window: 32000 Tokens (On Mistral Large)

Languages Supported: English, French, Spanish, German, Italian (On Mistral Large)


UAE's Technology Innovation Institute Launches Open-Source "Falcon 40B"  Large Language Model for Research & Commercial Utilization | Technology  Innovation Institute

Falcon, developed by the Technology Innovation Institute (TII) in Abu Dhabi, is another leading open source LLM. Following its launch, Falcon 40B held the #1 position on Hugging Face’s leaderboard for open source large language models (LLMs) for two months. With the 180B variant, TII further enhances the model’s knowledge and data comprehension abilities. Falcon 180B is a super-powerful language model trained on 3.5 trillion tokens.

Variants Available: Falcon 40B and Falcon 180B

Context Window: 4096 Tokens

Languages Supported: English, German, Spanish, French, with limited support for Italian, Portuguese, Polish, Dutch, Romanian, Czech, Swedish.



BLOOM is an autoregressive Large Language Model (LLM) developed by Big Science. Trained on 176B parameters, BLOOM excels at generating text continuations from prompts using vast amounts of text data and industrial-scale computational resources.

Variants Available: bloom-560m, bloom-1b1, bloom-1b7, bloom-3b, bloom-7b1, bloom 176B

Context Window: 2048 Tokens

Languages Supported: 46 natural languages (with varying amounts of data, from 30% for English to 0.00002% for Chi Tumbuka)


Gemma] Building AI Assistant for Data Science 🤖

Gemma, Google’s latest state-of-the-art open LLM, follows the success of Gemini. Gemma is a family of open-weights Large Language Models (LLM) by Google DeepMind, built on Gemini research and technology. While the model weights are freely accessible, specific terms of use, redistribution, and variant ownership may vary and might not be based on an open-source license.

Variants Available: Gemma 2B and Gemma 7B

Context Window: 8192 Tokens

Languages Supported: English


We at Cody prioritize a model-agnostic approach when it comes to LLMs, offering a platform that empowers you to build personalized bots tailored to your unique use-case. With a diverse range of LLM options available, you’re not restricted to a single provider, giving you the freedom to choose the best fit for your requirements.

Through Cody, businesses can leverage AI to develop intelligent assistants customized to their precise needs. This flexibility makes Cody a promising addition to the realm of AI-driven business solutions.

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