Tag: business growth

Cody Terminologies 101

A beginner’s guide to understanding Cody Terminologies in a simplified manner.

Before you get started with building your own GPT-based bot for your business using Cody, it is essential that you understand the core terminologies so that the flexibility our bot-builder offers does not intimidate you. You do not need to be an AI expert or have prior knowledge in this domain to understand these terminologies, as they will be explained in the most simplified way. Think of this as a beginner’s guide or ‘Cody For Dummies‘.

This blog will not cover setting up Cody or importing data into Cody since we have already posted a few blogs that will help you with the setup. In the upcoming blogs, we will delve deeper into those subjects. Without any further ado, let’s understand the different terminologies you will come across while building your bot.


Cody offers two ways to define your bot’s personality: Template Mode and Advanced Mode. The personality of your bot establishes the context and behaviour of your bot to ensure it generates helpful responses that align with your expectations and prevent any unforeseen hallucinations.

❓Hallucination refers to the phenomenon where a language model generates responses that may be imaginative, speculative, or not grounded in factual information.

Template Mode

This mode is useful for those businesses who want a plug-and-play solution to building a bot. Our developers have created bot templates catering to different business domains such as Support, Training, HR and Marketing.

Cody Template Mode Personality

Select any domain from the following and Cody will handle the rest. For added flexibility, Cody also provides settings that can be used to customize the personality to some extent.

For eg. If you choose to go ahead with IT Support as your bot personality, you can change your bot’s nickname, and decide how it will be handling unanswerable queries (a default case) and the languages you need the bot to converse in.

Cody Template Mode Settings

This mode is still under development and will be soon getting updated to be able to cater to multiple other business domains with a host of customization features.

Need more flexibility? Don’t worry, we have got you covered with our Advanced Mode.

Advanced Mode

The Advanced Bot Builder gives you the freedom to customize multiple parameters and lets you build the perfect bot that suits your use case. Currently, you can customize the following parameters:

  1. Prompt
  2. Relevance Score
  3. Token Distribution
  4. Persistent Prompt
  5. Reverse Vector Search


The prompt will define the personality of your bot. To simplify the prompting process, consider the bot as an employee at your business. Although there is no specific structure for writing a personality prompt, we have prepared a list of parameters for your reference.

A sample prompt:

“You are the waiter at a pizza joint. Maintain a professional and friendly demeanor throughout all interactions, ensuring that users feel comfortable and supported. Remember to convey a sense of expertise and confidence in your responses. Additionally, I encourage you to actively promote our premium pizzas whenever appropriate. Do not refer to any menu sources other than the ones provided in the knowledge base. While recommending pizzas, state their prices and any offers that are applicable for them, too.”

Relevance Score

The Relevance Score reflects the degree of similarity between the user’s query and Cody’s response. Using semantic search, Cody compares the user’s query with the data present in the knowledge base. A higher relevance score will result in a precise answer but will compromise on understanding the overall context of the query and vice versa. In simple words, the relevance score is the degree to which the AI fears making mistakes and taking risks while responding.

Relevance Score Slider

Token Distribution

The token is the computational currency for large language models like the GPT family. The query (input statement) asked by the user is broken down into blocks of characters known as ‘tokens’. As AI models are really resource-intensive, in order to address the computational constraints and memory limitations, these models have a certain limit to the input data that can be processed and generated. This limit is the ‘context window’.

Context Window Illustration

Cody uses the GPT family of models and the number of tokens available are limited. The token distribution feature helps in micro-managing the usage of tokens for different purposes.

They are mainly divided into Context, History and Response Generation.

  1. Context: The tokens required for understanding the user query and knowledge base context.
  2. History: The tokens required for adding context to the user query using the chat history.
  3. Response Generation: The tokens required for assessing the coherence, grammar, and semantic validity of the generated text.

Token Distribution Slider

For the highest accuracy is important that the context makes up a large portion of the Token Distribution.

Persistent Prompt

By continuously reinforcing the prompt (personality of the bot), you create a form of conversational context and constraint that keeps the AI on track and helps maintain compliance with the desired outcomes. It acts as a reminder for the AI to stay within the predefined boundaries and provide responses that are relevant, accurate, and aligned with your goals.

Reverse Vector Search

Reverse Vector Search is a feature specifically designed for businesses that utilize Cody for employee training purposes. It seamlessly integrates previously generated AI responses with user queries, creating a comprehensive contextual understanding that enhances the quality and relevance of subsequent responses. It is especially valuable when using Cody for step-by-step guides and instructional purposes.


This image describes how reverse vector search works.


To Wrap It Up

When you have a good grasp of these terminologies, you’ll be able to refine your bot’s responses and make them even more personalized. Stay tuned for upcoming blogs offering further guidance, updates, and additional information to unleash your Cody AI bot’s full potential. For more resources, you can also check out our Help Center and join our Discord community.



Gearing Up for Q2: How AI-Powered Knowledge Bases Impact Business Growth

business growth with AI animation

How to achieve business growth in Q3 with AI technology

The rapid development of AI technology has led us beyond gimmicks and hype and into the realm of practical, real-world applications for business. It’s now saving companies untold fortunes in time and resources. If you’ve yet to start extracting value from it, there’s no better time than the present, especially with the new iteration of AI-powered chatbot tools for business.

An AI-powered technology boost

Global markets remain shaky and the word “recession” has been popping up more frequently as we move toward the second half of 2023. But businesses looking to cut costs and maintain a competitive edge in Q3 have a powerful ally in their corner to help them through whatever comes.

This has already proven to be a transformative year in terms of AI development and adoption, thanks to Open AI. Now businesses are increasingly harnessing the power of a chatbot business tool that uses the same API as ChatGPT but allows users to upload their own knowledge base, define its function and calibrate it accordingly, then embed it wherever it’s needed.

Because it can be trained on large datasets that you provide, Cody AI can enhance your customer service capabilities, support your HR department, facilitate staff training, assist your sales and marketing teams, and enhance overall efficiency in your business. Cody becomes an expert on whatever subject you wish – from employee benefits to company policy, product offering to transactional data, you tell it what it needs to know. You can then choose if you want factual responses or something a bit more creative, and long and detailed or short and to the point. Use natural language to ask any question and Cody will scan the knowledge base you’ve provided and give you a neatly articulated answer in seconds.

Putting information at your (or your customers’) fingertips in this way unlocks value across departments and can enable growth even if market conditions aren’t exactly optimal. Consider how your business could benefit from support in the following ways.

Customer service

With a product expert available on your website 24/7 to answer customer queries and educate prospects, you won’t need to place that burden on staff while customers get accurate answers in seconds. The increased customer satisfaction that results will lead to more conversions and, ultimately, more revenue.  

HR assistance

By training Cody on internal company data, you gain a tool to support the HR team and free up resources by automating responses to simple queries and routine requests such as leave applications. It can also help with recruiting by sorting through resumes to narrow the field to the most suitable candidates.

Staff training

There’s no need for face-to-face training with Cody AI, which can function as a personalized tutor for staff once equipped with the relevant training material. The resources and facilities required for training can be used elsewhere while staff learn when and where it suits them.


Hired someone new? Let Cody take them through procedures and policies and provide all the information they need to get started in an interactive, one-on-one format personalized for their role.

Content creation

Give your marketing team a boost by training Cody on marketing material and customer data and having it pitch ideas during brainstorming sessions or accelerate content creation with data-optimized suggestions that closely align with your brand.

Technical assistance

Got a technical product offering or internal system? Uploading a dataset of manuals will give Cody the ability to troubleshoot problems in real-time, helping customers to quickly get unstuck without having to go through a call centre, and freeing up IT resources when it comes to internal issues.

A versatile AI business tool

Cody AI has more real-world applications to discover, from providing marketing insights like trends analysis to internal process optimization. All help in some way to reduce the burden on company resources, enhance efficiency, or drive sales. GDP growth in the global economy may slow in the third quarter, but the AI chatbot market continues to blossom as adoption rates soar – proof that more businesses are waking up to the value they bring. You don’t want to be left behind in the age of AI. For a practical, versatile and user-friendly AI-powered knowledge base to help nurture growth in your business, look no further than Cody AI.